154 College Street

Sudbury ON,

P3C 4Y2





Sudbury Secondary School's Red Carpet Day


We acknowledge that transitioning to high school and a new environment can be a significant change. To support our Grade 9 students, we have organized a special orientation day before the official start of school.


Here's what the day will look like:


  • Students will gather in the Sheridan Auditorium to be greeted by student parliament members, teachers, staff, and administration.
  • Each student will receive their class schedule and be assigned to their homeroom class to meet their homeroom teacher.
  • A school tour will follow, allowing students to meet their teachers and locate their classrooms.
  • The tour will include key areas such as the auditorium, library, gymnasium, cafeteria, main office, and guidance office.
  • Lunch will be provided for all students.



We are excited to welcome our bright North Stars on the 28th! See you there!





Landscape Regreening Project

(aka..The Ugliest Schoolyard Contest)


The students and staff of Sudbury Secondary School would like to thank the following sponsors for making our outdoor space an enjoyable place!







Rainbow District School Board Website

© 2024 Sudbury Secondary School

154 College Street, Sudbury ON P3C 4Y2 • PH: (705) 674-7551 FX:(705) 674-5383

All information on this website, including the school logo and photos, is the exclusive property of the school and cannot be reproduced in any way, including electronically, without the express written consent of the school.

For more information, please contact the school Principal.