154 College Street
Sudbury ON,
P3C 4Y2
Sudbury Secondary School’s Health and Wellness SHSM
Sudbury Secondary is one of four RDSB schools to offer the Health and Wellness Specialist High Skills Major program.
This Ministry of Education based program allows Grade 11 and 12 students to focus on building skills in the health care industry based on courses they take as well as sector specific opportunities provided in the community including career exploration, training, and post secondary visits. Students who are successful in this program receive a red seal on their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
In addition to selecting courses applicable to this program and their OSSD, students also receive sector-based certifications. For the Health and Wellness SHSM, this includes the mandatory certifications: Standard First Aid and Level C CPR, WHMIS, and Infection Control.
Students will also receive at least three elective certifications, including personal fitness, leadership skills, ethics, and customer service. This allows students to expand their interests and explore career options they may want to pursue after high school. Graduates who complete this program set themselves ahead as they move forward after high school to the workforce, apprenticeships or post-secondary education.
Contact Ms. MacVeigh for any questions related to this program.
© 2024 Sudbury Secondary School
154 College Street, Sudbury ON P3C 4Y2 • PH: (705) 674-7551 FX:(705) 674-5383
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For more information, please contact the school Principal.